Mwalimu Shakur
I wish the world could read this letter so that they could know this:- Solitary confinement
- Retaliation/abuse of the disciplinary system
- Legal work from the inside
- Advocacy
- Organizing
- Addressing Innocent/wrongful conviction claims
- Addressing forced labor/prison slavery
- Addressing Racism
- Addressing issues with juvenile justice system
- Care Work
- Seeking a bridge/advocate between inside/out
Mwalimu Shakur
Dear Jhody
I've read your missive in the Beyond Bars Section of the NLG that I receive monthly as well as contribute to myself at times. I like the platform your building on and would definitely like to be apart of. I'm a certified paralegal From Blackstone career institute is where I received my certifications and I Specialize in civil litigation. I've filed numerous 602 grievance forms and have helper inmates with appeals that have resulted in some going back to court for sentence notification.
I'm not sure how I can become a certified law clerk, please inform me how we can do this, as well as establish some education courses and paralegal training. Being that I was in the SHU (Security Housing units) I' been harassed by co's for being a jail house lawyer and helping people fight in justice's
that were occurring in there and currently fighting my own case where excessive force was used and I lost the use Of my right eye, I'll be litigating this case for awhile.
I have about 6 years left on my (Redacted) year sentence, and I can go to the law library frequently if I fill out a GLU & form. what I'd like to see with the initiative is us on the inside having advocates on the outside that can help us with legal work if need he, as well as, working in solidarity with legal activist who are helping people in oppressed community's win Freedoms, as well as sharing ideas with other JHL where we can be successful in all areas.
Right now the challenges are combating the reintegration of the prison yards where hostile environments are created by C. D. C., So they can send us back to the SHU, and the increase of Job pay, Prison is a billion dollar industry and can't afford to pay us enough to live on for our labor, when it's us who keep the prison up and running I believe, we will have success in our endeavors, we just have to Keep fighting and not get laxed when we get wins.
I look forward to hearing
From you all soon, and working with you all, Take care, and thank you for this opportunity.
Mwalimu Shakur
Mwalimu Shakur
Dear [Redacted]
Thank you for your brief notation and welcoming me to the fold. " It's highly appreciated, and I've honestly been trying to get something together with some other Jailhouse lawyers, who've been working on things throughout this prison nation, but
we Kept hitting brick walls.
I believe the 3 areas of work You all are working in are the most effective because we on the inside tend to be targeted with harsh penalties for comprehending the law, and challenging case's to help others, and I personally would love to do legal work as a career once they finally release me.
I'd be honored to serve on JLI panel of currently incarcerated jailhouse lawyers I like the FOIA module, and yes the info is clear and engaging, as well as well explained I'm glad you all sent me this FOIA, as I'm in the process of filing my own civil suit and attempting to have (redacted) brought Up on tampering charges for withholding some of my medical records.
I've been pressed for time lately, as were dealing with the lack of quality programming, and in talks with the admin about it. We usually with our grievances so hopefully this changes
because I can't get into the law library. I'm almost finished reading the Legal research and legal writing module. I'll give you my feed back on this as well. I hope others find the FOIA very helpful.
Mwalimu Shakur
Mwalimu Shakur
As always it's a pleasure to hear from you all and hear of all the good things you will be doing going forward. I have some good news to share.
I'll be setting released in November, as I won my early release battle with the C.D.C.R I'll still be on parole, but would like to work with you all in some Space in the future. You can also include
me in the pen pal programs I will also be working as a paralegal, and hopefully can get out there to New York as you can also see, I want to participate in flashlights and hopefully, we Can win over the masses to become participants in helping to fight Depression caused by this injustice system. Take care, and I look forward to hearing from you soon,
In struggle MWalimu
Mwalimu Shakur
Thank you all for the opportunity to be apart of Flashlights, as I believe this project will help us re-educate people about this system that was created by a class of people who want to continue to control us all, through there laws. I've been incarcerated 20 years for a crime I didn't commit, but had to endure this harsh realities, for two reasons, 1. I had a criminal record & 2. I didn't have the right representation. This is common practice For us Black & Brown Skinned youth from inner. cities across this country.
I've learned a lot about the laws in California, as once you start to challenge your Conditions, they'll place you in Administrative Segregation (Ad-Seg/ The hole) for insighting. A Jail house lawyer is not a good thing in this prison system, because it labels You a trouble maker by staff, who will retaliate if you bring them up on charges. They expect you to be subordinate to there control, over you and not challenge there authority. This only caused me to study more and fight this system, and it paid off
because I was able to go to Black Stone Career institute, an obtained my paralegal certificate, and another by taking it's advance course in civil litigation, I will continue to wake Up the minds of those who want to learn, and fight for those who can't, I send you all over at JLI my love n struggle.
P.S You can print
this how you see
edit how you like. Thank you!
In Solidarity
Mwalimu Shakur
Mwalimu Shakur
Dear JLI
Thank You all for your latest letter, and always including us on the inside in the direction your going in, A special thanks to you all
(redacted). It's highly appreciated. (redacted) I would like to communicate more with you all, so! if it's not to much trouble, can you set Up a GTL account for me and you all to Connect. All you need to do so, is my name (redacted) # and my address, and you all have that. Enclosed is my bio and picture for you all for your collaborators page.
The role I see for us advisors is to assist others inside the prisons with there legal work. I believe as jailhouse lawyers it's our Job to help others understand how to fight there case's and
the law, as well as help to challenge these unjust conditions inside of prison. As for the module questions, California is very tricky when you challenge a case on your own. I've filed cases for myself
and others, and have always had to as through the states channels of exhausting it's remedies. However, now it's only 2 channels instead of 3 and easier to file a habeas corpus, Yes!
it's also important to focus on the Supreme court cases "exclusively" if your expecting relief. I always focus on the phrase "Failure is not an option" to keep me motivated so I can continue to fight For some kind of win.
I also like the tabs and if possible, once it's done can I receive a printout of how it'll look? I may be able to add more input on whatever changes you may make.
To you Jody, I like the way you think and agree with you as to the direction you'd like to go in from what you saw in Kenya. I believe
we can do this, and I'd like to work with you on transforming this idea you have into a concrete project. We can definitely talk more about it
once you all set a GTL account set up for me, and we could also talk by phone. I've made mention of us Jailhouse lawyers coming home and taking the bar, passing it in all states, and establishing law clinics to help people in the inner cities, to a few orgs out there. of course this will take time and finances, but it could
be done. I look forward to working with you going forward.
Respectfully Submitted
Terrance White
Terrance E. White is a paralegal / Jailhouse lawyer who's been working tirelessly to help prisoners get there cases over turned and win other forms of relief for the past 20 years. He received his paralegal certification from Black Stone Career Institute and an advance certificate in civil litigation. His skills range from filing state and Federal Habeas Corpus, Parole Board - NVPRE
prop 57, clemency / commutation of Sentences preparation and writes, as well as filing CDCR 602 appeals. He's also one of the many long term SHU ( Security Housing Unit) activist who was released from solitary in 2018 due to the California Hunger Strikes in 2011 & 2013. He continues to challenge the unjust conditions of the prison system and facilitates two self-help groups that
helps men prepare for the parole board & healing from trauma he will be released at the end of this year where he will be working with at- risk young people in (redacted) where he's from. You can contact him at the address below to learn more about him.
Terrance E. White
CSP Cor 3A-02-144
P.O. Box 3461
Corcoran, CA 93212
I know I talked about my self in the third person, but I don't like to speak on my accomplishments to much. I believe in serving the need of the people, not self gratification. " you can feel free
to edit how you see fit.
Terrance E. White
Mwalimu Shakur
For re-entry Module
In order for us to reenter society and begin to live our New lives, we would need resources that are designed for us to succeed. If we had our own sober living homes, we would not just be getting treated for substance abuse, but also getting mental health treatment, so that we're healed mental from the toxic poisons we put in our system, We'd also need our own medical clinic where we could afford to pay for health care,
Programs by people from our community that help us navigate through i) What re-entry looks like to us long term offenders. We should never have to rely on Government assistance, because were not gonna get the right help we need in order to make a smooth transition back into society that will allow us to live a productive life.
Terrance E. White
For the Flashlights website:
The most important moment in the history of incarceration, for me Was our hungerstrike in 2011 & 2013. We Came together accross racial lines in solidarity to show California, that we were tired of being held in solitary confinement for years. The hunger strike demonstration was felt throughout California and resulted in the closing of the SHU ( security Housing Unit).
This is also when I started taking my coresponde course's at Black Stone Career Institue, and became a Paralegal. Doing legal work for others since I've been in the general population has resulted in some people going back to court for resentencing, and us being able to receive our quarterly packages and canteen items during the Covid lockdowns. I've utilized the 602 appeal process and encouraged others to do the same so much so, that the Ombudsmen removed the group 602 papper, and now we only have to File the form on the first level and then it's ready for the Heabeal process. We will continue to challenge conditions on the other Side of the razor wire, because We get positive results.
Mwalimu Shakur