Scott Petrie
I wish the world could read this letter so that they could know this:- Sleep deprivation
- Seeking a bridge/advocate between inside/out
- Retaliation/abuse of the disciplinary system
- Inadequate law libraries and legal resources
- Medical neglect
- Inconsistent Covid care
- Care Work
- Legal work from the inside
- Excessive heat
- Price gouging
- Law libraries
- Corruption in the trial process
- Advocacy
- Addressing class inequities
all letters
Scott Petrie
Scott Petrie
I am writing to you in regards to the legal
empowerment Series. I was very impressed and most
definately can use the information presented and I would love
to be able to have and take the whole course and maybe be able
to pass it on and train others. Just to give you some back-
grond. I arrived at in August 2018, in
October this facility took a direct hit from huncaine Michael and
2 days later we were emergency evacuated to .
Where we stayed 2 years we just returned here at
last October, to a facility that was not ready to house inmates
we did not get any heat on till Dec 27 even though frost was on the ground outside, and there were a myrid of issues we still do not have a working messhall. We inmates went through
a 21 day quarantine and tested twice before being returned to once here again we were placed under quarantine
and tested 2 twice all inmates passed with negative
test By Dec 18th about a month + 1/2 after we come off querentine the staff here managed to infect over half the 500 inmates who came back it was unbelievable. Since or return the general Library is closed and the law library which is in the general library is alco closed ... I've tried to get hired as a law cenk so as
to help others legitimately and not get into trouble and be able to earn some money. I'm 57 and have nobody on the outside for support. I finally filed a admin Remedy enclosed and after the response I received gave up....without some outside influence
there is nothing any inmate here can do. These Federal employees think there above the law and do as they please. The electronic law library is ok if one knows how to use it .... 90% or more
of the inmates do not know how to use it even the general library Clerks whom have jobs even though it's closed ..... I'm currently trying to obtain the facilities aquisition price of all items on Commissary as they are robing us blind to give an example item - Selsom blue dandruff shampoo- $4.65 cents but what you get is Rugby dandruff Shampoo which is the same they give out at medical to indigent inmates which Medical verified in an email to me only cost the facility $ 1.77 per bottle so there charging over a 200% mark up and I know there is alot more being overcharged for. In my housing unit in the one people
come to for help but I've had to say no right now until they get me to
a cardiologist I had a 95% blockage found 4 years ago and to date nothing been done I've maybe had 6 or 7 blood pressure checks total this year all of which are very high. I was told 2 months ago that i would be going to see a cardiologist and blood work was ordered but none taken it's been 8 months, I just pop nitro when i get chest pain as it does no good to try and get medical help here.
I'll close for now sorry about such a long letter maybe
Somebody out there will take some notice of the Law Library situation here and no law cherks to help inmates on each unit
We are still kept separated from other units and modified movement schedule .
Respectfully Scott Petrie
U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Prisons
Remedy ID - 1083049-F1
This is in response to your Administrative Remedy request, receipted June 1, 2021, in which you request as long as the main law library is closed, an inmate from each unit should be assigned as a law clerk to assist other inmates.
Upon review of this matter, it revealed Program Statement P1315.07; Legal Activities, Inmate; Section 10, Part (F), states "an inmate may assist another inmate in the same institution during his or her leisure time (as defined in paragraph a. of this section.) with legal research and the preparation of legal documents for submission to a court or other judicial body. Any assistance offered by one inmate to another is voluntary. An inmate is not entitled to assistance from any specific inmate because no inmate may conduct a business, the assisting inmate may not receive compensation."
Normally, the Education Department aids the inmate population by having inmate library clerks who are trained to assist the inmate population by exhibiting how to conduct searches, look up documents on the Lexus Nexus law system, using a typewriter, assisting inmates with the proper forms for court filings, and monitoring law books by using a check out system. Library clerks are not allowed to conduct legal research, legal preparation, or type another inmate's legal work. Library clerks are supervised by staff while working in the education department and documented with the inmate performance pay program. However, due to COVID-19 mitigation, the primary law library has been closed for an extended period. Inmates have had access to the Lexus Nexus Law System in each housing unit, access to a typewriter for legal work, and access to print or make copies of legal documentation or forms. The education law library coordinator has been available to assist the inmate population as well. Once the COVID-19 restrictions are lifted, the primary law library will be open to the inmate population.
Based on this information, your Request for Administrative Remedy is being denied. I trust this addresses your concerns. If you are dissatisfied with this decision, you may appeal by filing a BP-DIR -10 to the Regional Director at Bureau of Prisons,
Your appeal must be received in the Regional Office within 20 calendar days from the date of this response.
From: Petrie Scott
You cannot justify not having law clerks because you
have general library clerks to do that job as well, their is a difference between the two and Why their are positions for
such. As long as the law library is closed then an inmate
from each unit should be asigned as a law clerk to assist
other inmates. I did not claime any certain rights as
being violated however your saying as much means you
know the facility is in the wrong.
Although the established Law Library housed in the Education Department is closed due to COVID-19 concerns, inmates are allowed the opportunity to conduct legal research in their assigned housing unit. This is the same system used as one who is conducting research in the Law Library. Also, typewriters are provided in each unit for inmates to type up legal documents. The Education department has clerks to assist inmates when necessary. The primary responsibilities of a clerk is to provided assistance and not to conduct legal preparation or documents for other inmates. Therefore your rights to access to the courts or to conduct legal research and/or preparation has not been violated as you have stated.
Education S.O.E. Response to initial request.
(Request for Administrative Remedy)
Federal Bureau of Prisons Program Statement 1330.18 Administrative Remedy Procedures for Inmates, dated January 6, 2014, requires that inmates shall informally present their complaint to staff and staff attempt to informally resolve any issue before an inmate files a Request for Administrative Remedy (BP-229[13]). If an informal resolution cannot be met, the inmate will be given a BP-229[13] form.
1. Nature of problem (cite relevant policy - if UDC/DHO appeal, specify relevant section of Inmate Discipline Policy:
This facility has closed its law library to inmates, even though movement is restricted and only one housing unit is allowed at a time. Also, their is nonqualified trained person/inmate available to assist others for the unit.
This is in violation of the Constitutional mandates as outlined in Bonds v Smith and Lewis v Casey both landmark cases.
2. State what action or resolution inmate expects. Be specific:
Open the Law Library and turn on the Computers to be used and hire a clerk trained in the law to assist inmates from Unit.
3. (a) Summary of investigation:
See attached
(b) Summary of findings after investigation:
See attached
4. Indicate the action you have taken to resolve the matter informally (including actual steps taken to resolve):
See attached
5. Explanation for non-resolution:
See attached
Date & Time Issued:
5-19-21 0915
Correctional Counselor:
Date & Time Inmate Returned:
5-19-21 0926
Correctional Counselor:
Date & Time Investigation Completed and BP-9 issued:
5-24-21 1130
Unit Manager Signature:
(1) If complaint is informally resolved, forward original, signed below and dated by inmate, to Warden's Office for filing
(2) If complaint is not informally resolved, forward original (attached to BP-229[13] form) to the Executive Assistant.
June 2, 2021
MNA - Administrative Remedy Office
On June 2, 2021 at approximately 2:00 p.m., the Administrative Remedy Clerk made a phone call to the to clarify the request of an Administrative Remedy (1083049- F1) submitted by Inmate Petrie, Scott.
Via a telephone conversation held with Inmate Petrie, Scott, he stated that, "I am requesting that law clerks be hired for each unit."
Administrative Remedy #1083049 will be answered in reference to his provided statement, " | am requesting that law clerks be hired for each unit."
Administrative Remedy Clerk
Scott Petrie
Scott Petrie,
Jail house Lawyer Initiative: 3/13/22
I would like to thank you for sending me your
publication "We the People, Legal Prisoner" and the Practice Module on International Human Rights Law. Thank you.
This prison has just reopened from its lock-downs , for how
long who knows. One thing that has not reopened is it's how Library , never in my life have i seew a prison keep its Law
Library "closed" for almost 1/2 requiring inmates to only use the computer electronic Law Library on their wits . That's great ... but probably 95% of inmates have no clue how to even use it . I'm
57 and I learned the basics in New York State Dept of Corrections
where I worked as an inomale law clark for 4 years and taught other inmates D.O.C.S. Legal Research Course. I've been helping other inmates try and get their entire (12) month placements in a half-way house as was authorized by the Second Chance Act. We have a case manager here who only wants to submit everyone for only 6 months. I've also been working on Compassionate Release motions and trying to help in that way . I've just started working in food Service , warehouse Feb 11th so I could earn some money. I underwent heart catherization Jan 6th I've been unemployed for 2 years because of this pandemic. Any books, courses, info you can send will be greatly appreciated and shared.
Thank you.
In Solidarity
Scott Petrie
Scott Petrie,
Dear. J. L. I.
I Know the "Flashlights" enclosed is a "Draft Consent Form" but filled it at anyway it looks pretty good + binding to me :)
I want to thank you all for what you are doing because
this Prison Industrial System must be changed, society is seeing the results and feeling it too. The draconian sentence disparity
needs to be addressed the number of years being handed out for non-capital offenses is just wrong. The U.S. government has created a business out of crime and thru various legislative tactics have increased and lived the pockets of their constituants while at the same time weaking the family unit in America. Hopefully, someday a cap will be put on sentences for non-capital offenses so there may be hope for some of us here who have so little hope left.
Scott Petrie
Scott Petrie
Tyler Walton, Esq. July 9th, 2023
Jailhouse Lawyers Initiative
Scott Petrie, FL
Bernstein Institute for Human Rights
I worked on a case here for a former 'inmate his name is (redacted), case no: (Redacted) S. D. California. (Redacted) now resides at (redacted) his cell (redacted). (Redacted) was convicted of smuggling Alien in the country in which death resulted, he received a (Redacted) year sentence. He's never been in trouble his entire life. He grew up in NY and has a
Cousin who is a retired NYPD Detective and other relations that are in the law and lead field ( he can explain). When he got to Federal Prison in (Redacted) (because of a statement in his production report) he was classified as a "sex offender" w/walsh conviction. Because of this label he was assaulted severely and has a permanent scar that starts above his eye brow and goes all the way back to the crown of his head. Staff of (Redacted) explained his injuries as a "Fall from a Top Bunk". When he was brought back from the hospital he was placed in the SHU .... in a "Top Bunk" ... Whenin after a few days he did fall due to his previous head injuries and now he broke his hip which now has pins in it to hold it together. (redacted) suffers from pernament disfigurement, has loss of mobility, limps, pain etc. The BOP cannot win this case it's clearly negligent. I did a Compassionate Release Motion for (Redacted) it is filed under the above case number, included in that motion were extensive medical records, even demonstrating his housing location being put in a top bunk after his initial injures.
(Redacted) has been unsuccessful in trying to find an attorney willing to help him. They say he should Find an attorney in (Redacted) as that is where it happened. I told (Redacted)l this was just there way of Saying they did not want the case as venue can be BOP primary place of business which is DC on where the incident occurred on where the plaintiff (Redacted) lives and I told him that's where he wants to file the BOP has the resources to travel etc where (Redacted) does not so the venue should be where he lives.
If there is any way you could go on pacer and read the compassionate Release motion and medical records and help him find an attorney to represent him that would be great.
It took me like 8 months to get the "Sex offender" designation removed from him and for him to get his email here, but it was all due to a probation officer saying Aliens are primarily smuggled For sex trafficking " and that the reason he was designated like he was and never should have been as that was not his conviction.
- Please help him any way you can he is a good person
Thank you
Scott Petrie
my email: (redacted)