I wish the world could read this letter so that they could know this:- Advocacy
- Being met with silence by organizations
- Seeking a bridge/advocate between inside/out
- Solitary confinement
- Care Work
- False offers of help from legal practitioners
- Addressing forced labor/prison slavery
- Price gouging
- Retaliation/abuse of the disciplinary system
- Withholding mail access and oppressive communication policies
- Organizations refusing to step in when the lawsuit is vs State
- Addressing Innocent/wrongful conviction claims
- Law libraries
- Inadequate law libraries and legal resources
- Medical neglect
- Legal work from the inside
- Addressing Three Strikes
all letters
Tyler Walton, Esq.
How ya doin? Thank you for the issue #7 Feb 2023 JLI newsletter. Yes, I want to have a pen pal . There is a long list of abuse, but for you I will write about one. I hate these Segpens!! Anyway, I came to prison under the old law, which has no Medical copay fees. Years after I came to prison they started the Med co- pay. So what they are doing is treating me as if I am under the new law. That is not lawful. So I am starting a lawsuit, NC, has no law library. So I know very little about law. I know nothing about " Habeas Corpus. How soon will you have the National Module ready for us? I also want to know how to file
criminal charges. I have a list of issues that I want settled, So I put myself in Seg until I get what I want. They do not want me in Seg I refuse drug tests and refuse to go to general population. I am enclosing a copy of my trust fund account. My goal is to get it up to zero, by making them remove all fees. Besides I am 74 yrs old and will not work for a prison again. I am one man standing against the State! But when I win, then I can help the others In the same boat. The last I heard there were a few 1000 left under the old law. You should be able to find that out. The 2 fees is a small part of it. I figure the Med co pay fee is a good place to start. Once I get that rolled back I can go after the write up fee and more. I know you will not write back and I understand why. Yes, it will be nice to talk to a pen pal. All my family gave up on me and the one that was writing to me died. So a pen pal would be helpful. I have many interests other than law. One is how many moons do we have beside the big one we can see most nights? I was told there may be over 20 small moons. I will be sharing more about some of the men helped get out of prison and get other things done. The main reason I will be anonymous is the many times they retaliated against me, well enough for now. My new address below:
Tyler, Walton, Esq.
Praise YHWH! Thank you for the report from CAL. The report is an eye opener. N.C. is nowhere close to that bad. Yes N. C. is abusive, but not on that level. I worked at a sewing plant for a yr, and the print plant over 3yrs. I liked the print plant much better. I ran a printing press the size of a pickup truck only much heavier. It was a good work place. But now. NO-I will NOT work for N.C. again, I have enclosed my latest Trust Fund account statement. On 5 April 2018, I got 3 write ups in retaliation for my legal work, in one day. Agents stole my legal mail outgoing. I was wrote up for that letter.They stole over 1500 pages of my legal papers and books and wrote me up for that and wrote me up for my witness statement. As a result, I am labeled a gang member, busted back to closed custody and shipped to a gang prison. That set me back. I stopped all legal work. There are 23 admin fees of $10,00 each for 23 write ups, And 15 Med Co-pay fees, All of these I have not paid. I know now that they have No authority to charge me those fees. So I am working on a suit to get the Med co-pay fees removed. I came to prison under the old law, which had no Med co-pay in the contract. This is simple contract law. If it is not in my contract they cannot do it! I have asked that the original contract be entered into evidence for yrs. I have yet to see it. So I am demanding the original contract be entered into evidence. No contract equals ND Med co-pay fees!
I am 74 and Retired! So I solved the slave labor problem. From time to time agents refuse to give us things they are required to give us. They run out of paper, envelopes, ink pens, sick call forms, grievance forms, clean clothes at each time or shower, soap, bed roll once a week, and thermals. Agents refuse to give us what they are required to give us, so I refuse to go to general population until I get what my contract demands. Oh, I forgot toilet paper. Like I said before, I am one old man standing alone against NCOPS agents! But I learned about another way, but I cannot do it by myself. I need one on the street to file papers and such for me. And I will pay them to help me, then when I get paid they get paid even more. With this method I can change the way N.C. prisons work. This method can be duplicated and used to help many in N.C. prisons and then other states. The 1st ones I want to help are those like me- old! We all get old and die. That does NOT mean we must die in prison! I can help those starting with the oldest and in bad health. I want to make a place for them to live outside prison before they die. OK, back to CAL. I am writing this to you for 2 reasons. 1st, agents have retaliated against me many times. So on your papers I go by Papa and I am covered by your agreement. As long as they abide by that you can share with them what I write. 2nd I can use your address by legal mail and as I am indigent I don't need a stamp. Before I forget. Thank you for all the modules you sent me. It is good to know I have someone on the outside that care about this old man. I have only listed a few of the ways they retaliated against me. On one of my last write ups, I wrote and sent in my appeal, but an agent here held it for 10 days, then sent it, So it was late and was denied. This is the 2nd time my legal mail was held 10 days. No explanation given. So moving on, I do not know what they will do next. Today I put in an order for indigent stamps to canteen. When they gave out canteen I did not get any. I asked about it twice to 2 agents. No answer as yet. 1:30pm on Dec 2022, my right knee gave out, I fell. Since then 5 more times. Medical refuses to give me a wheel chair or cane. My right foot is deformed and toes numb. I asked for thermals (I am cold) they refuse. Many men in 20 and 30's have thermals. Agents wear winter coats. I am refused thermals. The good part is a boiled egg will keep 2-3 days in my cell. I could go on and on Yes, life in here is not easy, but I still have it better than those in the CAL report. It is hard to tell which of the 3 [Redacted] is the worst place to work. I know me. I would not work at any of them. I took a write up at one prison for refusing to work in kitchen. Later I took a job as electrician. I got one dollar a day That was my last job. I like that kind of work but they stomped on me once too much. So now I am retired. Besides I have too many pains in two many joints , but not all at the same time. Hey I recommend you put off getting old as long as you can. Yes, this is a disjointed letter. I hope you get something out of it. Below is my address now, For how long- I do not know, Be blessed!
Tyler Walton, Esq:
Praise YHWH! Thank you for your letter. 28 yrs now in prison and never seen a law library. All the law I got was from other prisoners. I have tried to use the law, but each time they retaliated against me. They took my out going legal mail, wrote me up for it. Stole over 1500 pages of legal papers and books and wrote me up for that and wrote me up for my witness, statement. Sent me to a gang prison, busted me back to closed custody, that stopped me, almost. I did not know what to do. They promoted me to medium custody and moved me to a 2 man cell. I refused to go. I went to seg. They refuse to do what is required by law. So I refuse to go to medium and 2 may cell. Now I am working on a law suit, I have many issues to sue them on. I chose a small one that I understand. It is very simple. I came to prison in 1995 before, Med Co-pay existed in N.C prisons. Years later they started MED co-pay. The copay is not part of my sentence, Copay came later under a new law. So they are treating me as if I am under the new law. Not lawful. If I was
under the new law I would have maxed out at 27 yrs. But they say that does NOT apply to me cause I am under the old law. Yet for co- pay they say it applies to me, I found out everything is by contract. I have tried for years to get the original contract into evidence. They refuse. The original contract has NO copay, So I will go to court and demand the original contract that says I must pay co-pay. I know they do not have that contract. No contract and no co-pay. If the court follows the law, then I win, I hate court. If I win this little case, that will give me a count record to use as basis for next suit, But I know of another way, but I can NOT do it by my self. I need one on the street to file papers and such. I will pay them to do all that and pay a bonus when I collect. So who ever helps me will be paid as they help me. Then when I get what I want and $, I pay them more. Mostly every thing can be done online. It is file papers, wait 30 days for response, file more papers, wait 30 days, etc. When all is filed, then collect money and pay bonus, and court needed. Plus I can use this method to bring changes to NC, prisons. Who knows after that. Ok back to prison I also refuse to use tablet, and they will not allow us in Seg to use them any way, I am an old man, 74 years. Not many years left. I will go out with a bang! As indigent I have 3 shots at this, But if I
if I win I still have 3 shots. I also have 2 shots in Federal court left. I have nothing to lose and all to gain. I have a long list of possible law suits to choose from. In fact one is a libel case. I have proof for that one. Just not sure how to go about it or what to ask for. I should be able to get a lot of money. In fact, if I had a good one on the street, to negotiate with N.C. - we could
possibly settle out of court and get a lot money, what is a normal rate for a case like that? Let's say we go with the libel case. They have refused to connect the error. I file the papers like I have before and they will respond as they always do. That will establish the proof for the case. Then all that is needed is filing the papers to collect money. And we all walk away with a lot of money. Even if you do not want to do this your self. You may know of one (even a family member) that can use a lot of money? Let me know. I will write back and explain how to do this. Be blessed!