Kentrell Welch
- Mental health care
- Solitary confinement
- Inconsistent Covid care
- Price gouging
- Law libraries
- Legal work from the inside
- Increase Access to education
- Inadequate law libraries and legal resources
- Addressing Racism
- Corruption in the trial process
- Withholding mail access and oppressive communication policies
- Medical neglect
- Legal Education
- Seeking a bridge/advocate between inside/out
all letters
Kentrell Welch
· AttN Jail house Lawyer Initiative IN RE: Receipt. JLI. NOV 2022
% TyleR WAlton Esq.
139 MACdougAL St. B22
New York, NY 10012 (Dec . 20- 2022)
NO# 6 (5x) personal Letters For All Individuals. Kindly Forward THX !
. Kentrell welch a servant of YAHWEH and of the soverign yahshua
Hamashich, to you All people, grace, peace, Endurance , To us, All of Earth.
Such troubling times. Amen.
. To begin, I give Express, Implied authorization, For My,
Signature to be duplicated . For Ex. Individual seeking,
"Signatures For clemency, Sentence" communtations, prooffered
In MR Jason Hernandez's Book.
/s/ [Signature] - Kentrell WELCH.
. Add me to The List , For Communication with "Us" Sojourners; lets
duly Interogate, These carceral Laws, statutes Amen.
. Kindly add me to the list for 12th Ed. of Jailhouse Lawyers,
manual . Do you have a Mumia ABU Jamal's Litigator manual?
· Retaliation: is done today, by tyrants, acting under color of Law,
as with visable, glaringly Impunity!
· organizing: w/o outside ombudsman, Lawyers, orgs. "We" die In here,
psychologically, physically." While systematic created children, Into Monsters,
released Into OUR- the society-its, " outside" Love, T.L.C, reduces recidivism
win-win; For us Individually & collectively Familial wise. Amen.
· Seeking a bridge: we All Look to Law, e.g. Case Law, Study to -
Find the proper procedures to Attack, by Justices, Magistrates;
words, precedent's, to challenge Issues, accord. To their own-
Past previous, present Legalities. Yes?
. Edu/ resources: Literally Non-existant here In [Redacted], as Ive -
took YRS, building up info, to write, contact; In way I have en;
Edu source I have, CCS staff LAW, LiB , normally don't dolt For us,
Ok, ccs now, Is helping me complete buncues, I'm getting while good,
Believe It.
· Inadequate Legal LiB: [Redacted], has been at [Redacted] -
Prison, Ks Law L.B Supru 28 yRs, since 80's of opening of ESP. [Redacted].
she acts, Like god of Law LiB. She only gives you what she wants
you have, to do the Foot work, to get A lot of Stuff. As Family Run,
Friends tiny Hillbilly Town- people, No 1 says nothing to her & she does,
what she wants.
(1 of 2)
[Page 2]
"Mail Tampering": I could literally show- mail, countless proof of;
Systematic Mail Fraud-tampering, has effected me personally in so;
may ways, FAR outside postal service Investigators & Then it
- takes !! Extreme evidence to prove it, while charged For, Intentibul
Rtnd mail; while "They" carceral system gets scottfree away with;
blantant Federal offenses 18 U.S . C4 1341; 1001 sec's)
. "IF" we, you, me, US, cannot Learn "some" Law: Habeas corpus or,
civil, we "have not a chance, except In " blatant cases, even the,
courts, Judges Cannot overlook, For Fear only, of societies repraisals.
"No mis-representation, we " represent our selves or suffer!
. 'NO ADA': w/o a Wheel chair, especially at [Redacted], No ADA disabilities
Is respected at All. Although ADA has explicit, strong state- Federal;
Stats of governing It. 29 701 etc.
· Three strikes: only notates, for US Indegenous people In AmariKKKlan,
of Amerisakkks, way of systematic torture For profit, slavery.
Medical Neglect: "Is now " Re-coined exactly For what It Is: Mumia Abu
Mutulu Shakar, Rasheed etc. medical murder
· Forced Slavery: I, Anyone, should not have to take, participate In
Involuntary servitude. Jobs are OK, great Form of time passing & way
to avoid drama & rehabilitation; e.g; Non- workers, never had Jobs people.
But "I - we" should not be Forced to "authorize" Their U.S. A. Slavery.
Although Marry OF US Should Know, the Maritime waters Law, which does
governs "slave Atlantic trade, is still enacted - Active. Did you know??
· Inactive grievance system: DeFacto" grievance system, means All claims,
chronic care, Medical, Mental health care, dental etc Is "Denied w/o resolution,
equitable, at times Life threatening relief. Life Threatening care needed,
opps; you me, we died. Lack of carceral med-caff, prisoners who
care eh ? NOT!
· neglect Violent M/H Cure : W/o Devouted mental health, caring clinical Staff,
Men/ women, die senslessly, For need of Mentul, psychological adjustments,
· corrupt triAL; especially Indegenous Individuals. Would we, you, Us, duly;
Continually Look, hope or expect, proper Legal services, In a KKKountry That,
literally has ("Dual-Two") Flugs, with subtle Meanings & count US as,
3 - 5 ths of Individuals. Holla back tho!
- covid 19 : A "Must" See European "Micro biologist, exposes covid 19
x Truth's, it can give Heart Attacks / [Redacted]
[Page 3]
Athletes Sudden Heart Attacks: [Redacted]
Source: [Redacted]
. Betty white, After Boosters snot: [Redacted]
· what Is GRAPHENE Hy DroxiDE?? see 4 yourselves.
Kentrell Welch
Pls Forward THX!
AttN: [Redacted]
[Redacted], March. 21-2023.
Blessed be ELOHIM and Father of OUR,
Master YAHShuA Hamashiach the Messiah. M
ercy unto you, and peace, and love,
be Multiplied To you [Redacted] & us all of earth,
· Greetings [Redacted].
· [Redacted], It Would be great to meet,
get aquainted. I seek to learn about the,
Prison Teaching project.? "Also"IF" I may,
be able to receive Legal Edu curriculum,
courses by distance, mail?
· [Redacted], what Is the Racial Justice,
clinic ?' [Redacted], a brotha here with me,
has been Illicitly locked onto (25-30 yRS.
Facts is New Evidence, Coerccion, False,
witness & his own testimony." These Facts,
are Essential to his" proposed habeas;
release, IF or when re-Introduced before;
the Courts.
· [Redacted], I'm trying to assist him but,
We've been seperated & brotha [Redacted],
could utilize some big outside Legal assistance.
· [Redacted]'s address Is ['SAME') us,
mine. so IF you can Send him some ACLu,
crim. Law reform project Info, or contacts on;
possible Legal assistance. The Innocence,
projet, is Working with him, he Is Innocent. THX!
Kentrell Welch
Dear [Redacted] 6.10.2024
YAhweh bless, guide, protect your & our Families,
In yahshua Hamashiach.
Thank you [Redacted] for the Informative Letter
& Yes I'll be Keeping my InFo as is, Im;
hopeful to Link up with professional,
Colleauges, friends.
Ive Spent In Isolation From Feb 2009-
March 2024. w/o outside Communications;
So don't be a stranger & hope you enjoy
& excel at your New position
Takewonderful Lare [Redacted].
MR. Welch.
New Address: