Jose Cruz
I wish the world could read this letter so that they could know this:- Mental health care
- Retaliation/abuse of the disciplinary system
- Addressing Racism
- Medical neglect
- Care Work
- Being met with silence by organizations
- Withholding mail access and oppressive communication policies
- Legal work from the inside
- Advocacy
- Addressing forced labor/prison slavery
- False offers of help from legal practitioners
- Addressing class inequities
Jose Cruz
To who it may concern:
I would like to know if you guys are
offering the detailed legal education
and empowerment curriculum? If so can
you add my name to the JLI Network
and send any avaiable modules and newsletters.
I am really looking forward to have
access to effective and relevant training
that will equip me to meet diverse
legal needs For us prisoners! Please
address any correspondence to the name
below. Thanks!
Jose Cruz D.O.C # 233877
1000 Van Nuys Road
New Castle, Indiana 47362
Jose Cruz
Dear Tyler Watson, Jhody Polk,
and to who may take time of their
busy day to read this. Feel free to
write me anytime,
My name is Jose Cruz DOC 233877,
I am a Immigrant of Guatemala
who arrived here on Dec 19 of 1997.
I had a rough childhood and that
developed into a teenage life of
addiction and bad decisions that led
me to prison in august, 20, 2012.
This is my First time ever being
in trouble of this magnitude and
never been in prison prior to this
sad ordeal opened my eyes to how
much lack of help to inmates is
avaiable to help with court proceedings,
or any court reliefs, or inmmigration
guidance. I was incarcerated for murder
and aggravated assault and was sentenced
to 75 years, 65 for murder and 10 For Aggravated
assault while other inmates who commited
Worst crimes under same charges got less
time who where white and had criminal
history unlike me who never been in trouble
got the max and thanks to
meeting an inmate who is white
helped me understanding that
books is a tool I can use
to help me and many others.
I Filed my (Post conviction relief)
a year ago and now is Just a
matter of waiting to see what
I can do to help others in
my free time, I dont look
at race as a factor to help
on how to build a routine in
this environment or build friendships
however, the state of Indiana
makes it hard to let us obtain
and maintain a focus to learn
what our rights and tools are
at our disposal to get any help
from courts. The IDOC is built
to divide and conquer inmates way
of thinking and in some instanses
create tensions between white, Latino and
black folks to have them take time
From you based on their own creation.
Its inspiring and helpfull you guys
are writing me and others for that I thank you.
Sincerely Jose Cruz
Jose Cruz
Dear Tyler Walton, Esq,
I have received the clemency Package
and I can't express how thankfull
I am for such blessing. I Just Filed
my post-conviction and currently working
on my clemency, I would like for
your help or guidance on my double
Jeopardy and Innefective assistance issue
On my case please I beg of you
for guidance or [scribbled out word] advice for
this nightmare Im currently going.
God bless you!
Jose Cruz
D.O.C# 233877
Jose Cruz
Dear JLI Family,
As I sit here today writing
you back I am blessed and
happy to have all of yall take
time of your daily live's to
respond to my letter's sharing
what me and many others
deal with on a daily basis.
Recently I been having my
mail among my access to
law library and connect with
loved ones tampered and blocked
by unknown administration
members at my facility, this began
more often as soon as I
started to write you guys, also
I been a target of bullying
due to correspondence with
JLI'S because they have
to make copies of everything
since drug contraband on
paper has sky rocketed.
I am okay overall because
this cause is worth it
and I Fear others in
Prisons accross the state
might have it worst. I am
currently been blessed by a inmate
who I can truly trust him
with my life who has been
helping me with my Post-Conviction
and writing this division out
my county in Indiana to investigate
the integrity in which my case
was processed and looked at.
I have issues with double Jeopardy
and Ineffective assistance on
my case, due to the overworked
public defenders and lack of
communication. I am left alone
with my friend in prison to help
me navigate my case. I filed
my P.C.R almost 2 years ago
and still have not met my
public defender lawyer to discuss
issues in my case. Many people
with paid lawyers have done
more in 3 months than me in 2yrs.
I am hoping we can
find a way to connect
electronically so it's easier
for me and whoever reads
my ugly handwriting understand
more and share more of
what's going on in the prison
system and what can we do
to Fix it or begin to share
ideas on how to help Inmigrants
like me develop ways to not
fight against the current of
the river but learn how to
flow with it and accomplish
enough to Keep ourselves
afloat and others no matter
religion beliefs, race, color or political beliefs.
Information to connect electronically:
Jose Cruz D.O.C. Number: 233877 /Portal
Indiana Department of Corrections
New Castle Correction Facility
New Castle, Indiana / County: Henry
Thank you again for all
you give my JLI'S Family.
you all are a light in my
darkness and with your help
and unselfishness lets work
together to make everything we
can control a better version
on what it was meant to be
to what it could be with
a little attention and Passion.
- Bless yall
Peace & love
- Sincerely
[Signature] Jose Cruz
Jose Cruz
Flashlights Essay ! [Underlined]
In 2012 I was convicted
for Murder & aggravated assault
and was given 75 years. This is
my First time ever being in
trouble, 11 years later I learned
that a majority of my white
counterpart's have gotten on average
40 to 45 years on similar
charges on some cases worst
things were done and still was
given 40 to 45 years. I am
a Guatemalan Immigrant who
had a drug problem a got
with the wrong person and
now here I am writing you guys
how hard is to believe that
me being an immigrant who
got convicted of murder & aggravated
assault where a white Female
was Involved in my case got less
time for killing her daughter and
within inside these walls lots
of white inmates have acknowledged
that I was given all that time
because of race, Immigration status,
and white female being Involved in
my case also the fact that
I am not the only one who is
an immigrant in the Prison system
who has gotten harsh sentencing
above sentencing guidelines. In
2021 I Filed a Post-Conviction-Relief
For double Jeopardy and Inneffective
assistance out of Marion County,
Indiana and almost 2 years
later I am still waiting for
any relief From the courts.
A total of 5 inmates that I know
of that filed post conviction relief
or modification of time who
are white have received relief
from the courts, some have
gone home and two are
on brink of going home, one
had over 30 years to go and
got overturned for double Jeopardy
issues and excessive sentencing.
The state of Indiana is the
most expect the unexpected about
Justice being served with Prosecutors
using emotions and not law to
correct behavior for inmates
instead there are many cases
like mine which are being
ignored due to being used as
cattle so private prisons like
G.E.O. can make more money
by me being a Immmigrant
and has developed mental
health issues due to the
lack of Programs and lack
of care for correcting any
previous trauma this hell has
caused me. I have writen the
governor, the president, and my
own guatemalan consulate for
any help and so far Im
still waiting. Please tell people
to stay the hell away from
Indiana due to racism and
inhumane living conditions in
all prisons. I hope and Pray
to God for help to get out
of here the right way.
Sincerely, My E.P.r.d is
Oct. 14, 2048
Jose Cruz
D.O.C #233877
Jose Cruz
Flashlights Program!! [Underlined]
Recently there has been a uptick
of limitation to access of toenail
clippers or Fingernail clippers due
to punishing our whole unit for
a few idiots doing illicit activities
that prevent us to keep up with
our hygiene. There is also a
continuing issue to access haircuts
or daily or at least weekly
cell cLean out and it has
Created a outbreak of "scabies"
and "staph infection" to inmates
who have to turn in 10 request
slips to obtain medical attention
by a doctor who takes more
vacations than an Unemployed
Person who don't like to work.
Correctional officers have provided
us the best answer that every
other person, Probably hear's
on a daily basis and it's always
a "Ill email somebody and we
will see what happens" or a "Don't
come to prison unless you can bond out."
That right there deflates you
and it some instances makes you
question your methods of
Staying out of trouble and
Just pedal to the medal.
Recently a inmate nicknamed
[Redacted] was slashed in
the throat by a inmate who
was taken off mental health
medications and locked our unit
down and Punished us For mental
health Doctor [Redacted] in [Redacted], Indiana
lack of visitation and taking people
off their medication without notice.
If you don't smile when you walk in
if she comes and see's you every
blue she quickly thinks your
suicidal or Homicidal and at times
she make's up stories about people
she don't like within the Prison
and tell's inmates so they can
gossip and turn it into a drama
Fiasco. I ask for whoever is reading
this to talk to someone that
cares and investigate this Prison
or sue the prison because I guarantee
a settlement before trial Just check
records. Have a nice day!
Jose Cruz
Dear MR Walton,
On October 16, 2013 I was
sentenced to a term of 75 years
on a murder and aggravated battery.
These Two charges were the
result of one Incident where
the same in Jury that made
the aggravated battery charge
resulting in the death of my
I signed a plea that, at
the time, contained double
Jeopardy due to the above
explained situation. 75 years
is more than the max I would've
received had I went to trial.
This created no benefit for me
by pleading guilty.
I was Ignorant to the law when
I pled guilty and my lawyer told
me this was the best he can do.
The things I've been researching
lately have shown me that my
my lawyer was ineffective.
I am now trying to obtain
relief on a P.C. R. The thing
is, Indiana has many gray zone's
in the law. Any help in regards to
how to challenge a double Jeopardy
issue on a plea with a claim
of ineffective assistance would be
So helpfull.
This is my first time being in
Prison and the proccess that
I been thru as Illegal Immigrant
from guatemala and no education
for a period of time, has made
me skeptical of this entire process.
I would like any independent Information
you can give me so that I know
if Im being lied to in this P.C.R.
IF you are able to put me in
touch with a lawyer who can
answer a few question's here
and there I may have in the
near future, I would be extremely
grateful, I thank you for
time and thoughtful letter
you've sent me. Take care
and I hope I hear from
you soon.
- Sincerely,
Jose Cruz