D Smalls
I wish the world could read this letter so that they could know this:all letters
D Smalls
To: Tyler Walton
From: D. [redacted][Redacted]
Dear Mr. Walton
I hope all is well with you. I am writing you
in search of some valid information that mAybe useful. During my
Incarceration I hAve been trying to incline my Legal Knowledge.
I am requesting All tool Kits that hAve been published by Jailhouse
Lawyer Initiative. And also can you subscribe me to Guild
Notes. This information is very essential to my future and
present endeavors. Thank You for your time and efforts
in this matter.
Signed D. Smalls [Redacted]
D Smalls
To : Jail House Lawyer Initiative (Flash Lights) 6-21-2023
From: D. Smalls
I am writing this Letter to inform your Organization that
what yall are doing for those in prison without a voice is so
greatly appreciated. Society doesn't understand the UnderWorld
so it gets overlooked and sometimes forgotten. Public safety is Politicians
mAin media statement along with the tough on crime agenda. Yet the
Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches of Government brake the
LAws and Policies they infringe on the People. We Live in a America where
TAx PAyers pAy more to Corrections officers than Teachers. It cost
more to keep A prison open than a Public School. They SAy the Average cost
per student is $23,000 but to house an inmate is $35,000. In which that
sAme inmate never recieves the amount of care per the dollar amount. No
programs for everyone. Once they LAbel you it's hard to progress Especially
in South Carolina. My situation is so simple yet complicated because my family
wAs poor and the Lawyer I hired allowed the stAte to RailRoad me. Knowing
what I know NOW has evolved my Level of understanding the LAw. Yet when
I show and prove my wrongful conviction claim and Legal Innocence on
my own the Buddy Buddy system won't provide relief. They Force you to be
represented by stAte appointed Attorneys who only do the minimum to push you
through the system. If we are to estAblish a Lifetime connection through this
righteous cause your OrgAnizAtion hAs a Loyal Friend. This is my first response
in a while due me going through alot mentAlly . I'll be responding from Now on.
I Leave you with this Quote "If peace is Not your purpose, you'll always end up at wAr?"
Thank you For your Time and Attention.
D. Smalls