Cody Atkins
I wish the world could read this letter so that they could know this:all letters
Cody Atkins
I am writing you because I signed up for the Jailhouse LAwyer Initiative and received the August issue, it dealt with FOIA and how you file and how to a response, etc. I was not given any information in this subject. If it was sent then my prison is withholding my legal mail. I respectfully request if you can send it again I would love to learn many subjects, especially FOIA because I’m trying to get info from the prison. The envelope postage I got was $1.44, but I only received 4 pages back to back pages. The only thing I received was comments from other prisoners and comments from the founder.
I do got a couple questions:
1. What am I allowed to send, like can we talk about what’s on our mind. I am in some crazy battles with my prison
2. When doe the next issue come out? I thought November
Cody Atkins
Dear Jailhouse lawyer initiative
I would like to write to address some people’s conversations in the news letter.
I would like to address [redacted] statement on a violation of a basic human need, Stating "Communicating with our loved ones should not be a privilege and should not be restricted as a punishment," I agree to an extent. First. The only way that prison officials should be able to restrict such communications is if it deals with security measures, An example would be my roommate, he was on the telephone with his wife. he asked her to bring him in some gages for his ears, This created a security risk. Now for punishments.. prisons must only "narrowly tailored" the punishment to fit the situation.
I would like to address the justice for individuals convicted of Sex Crimes. I have been a prisoner advocate for 5 years. I work with different groups (To Note looking for more if you be interested) to fight for Sex offender lights. Right now. I am trying to defeat community notification as unconstitutional.
I have helped many people beat their probationary conditions. like not being able to subscribe to the internet. If you would like to know more let me know.
That you.
Dated this 27 day of March, 2023
Cody Atkins